Touch is one of the most basic of human needs, not a luxury or occasional gift we receive. This is doubly true for people facing or undergoing the treatments for cancer. As an Oncology Massage Therapist specializing in the safe delivery of massage to this population, I know well the benefits that patients derive from therapeutic touch. But it is through my practice of Reiki, during or separate from the massage, where I truly see a deeper healing encompassing mind, body and spirit.

Author and oncology surgeon, Sheldon Marc Feldman, MD, FACS, and Chief of Breast Surgical Oncology at New York’s Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center, published an editorial entitled, “Alternative Therapy for Breast Cancer: Outcomes, Obstacles and Opportunities” in the April 2011 issue of Annals of Surgical Oncology. Dr. Feldman states:

“At Columbia, we have initiated a study that incorporates the role of Reikki (sic) practitioners in applying mind–body principles and energy healing to help to prepare patients for breast cancer surgery and emotionally accept the loss of their breast(s). We must continue to strive to provide care that is patient-centered and reduces the stress and trauma of disease.” Dr. Feldman further acknowledges that there is need in the medical community to evaluate all potential healing modalities, including Reiki, along side of and in support of traditional medicine. Click here to read full article.

Reiki listens to the mind, body and spirit of my clients through the channeling of life force energy to the areas that are most in need of healing. They generally experience a great calming, a reduction in pain, less nausea, better sleep, a feeling of self empowerment in their own treatment, and overall a better quality of life.

Have you ever experienced the benefits of Reiki? Learn more about Reiki classes – Click Here.